Rockman & Forte Dialogue

Rockman & Forte

R&F, a game released late into the SNES’ life after Rockman 8, later localized to the west on the GBA as an inferior port (but still good) under the name Megaman & Bass. This game borrows hard from Rockman 8, reusing a bunch of sprites, stage motifs, and even three of the bosses! However, it’s a dope-ass game, as to be expected. This marked the first time Forte aka Bass became playable. They altered his fighting style to make him distinct from Rockman and it paid off, resulting in two totally different playstyles. Rockman is good against bosses, while Forte completely flies through stages. Good shiz.

Anyway, these are the script differences between the two games. Honestly, they’re fairly close. Still, it was fun to translate it. As usual, keep in mind that I tried preserving the original scripts dialogue as best as I could, which results in some things being translated pretty literally. This is to highlight the differences between the original and what the localization team came up with for their official translation. If this were uncharted territory, completely untranslated, I too would have made some of the more awkward lines into more natural English (not to say I don’t do this anyway at a couple parts teehee). So let’s rollsies.


Rockman – Mega Man
Blues – Protoman
Forte – Bass
Gospel – Treble
Rightot – Auto


OPENING STAGE オープニングステージ

ENG 英語

Mega Man: Proto Man!!

Proto Man: You have gone too far, King! I won’t allow you to violate this robot museum!

King: I’ve downloaded all the data of the battle robots! Now I can create an invincible robot army!! Since you are a robot, you are qualified to join us if you want to!

(King sees Mega Man)

King: Huh?? It seems that your friend has arrived. I have no time to waste on you anymore!

Proto Man: Wait! King!

King: Silence!

(Proto Man getsrekt by King)

Mega Man: Proto Man!

Proto Man: It’s just a scratch…

Mega Man: I’ll take care of this! You go to DR. Light for repairs!

King: I appreciate your arrogance, but I have no time for you! I’ll allow the Green Devil to handle you!

JPN 日本語

Rockman: ブルース!!

Blues: そこまでだ!キング!ドクターワイリーの けんきゅうじょのつぎは はくぶつかんか?

King: おまえたち せんとうようロボットの データはいただいたぞ!このデータを もとにさいきょうの ロボットぐんだんを へんせいしてやる!!きさまも ロボットならば われわれ キングぐんに いれてやるぞ!


King: ん?どうやら なかまが きたようだな。おまえたちに つきあうのも ここまでだ!

Blues: まて!キング!

King: ええい!うるさいやつめ!


Rockman: ブルース!

Blues: これぐらい なんとも ないさ。

Rockman: あとは ぼくにまかせて はやく ライトはかせに なおして もらうんだ!

King: ここで きさまを たおすのは たやすいが いまは キングぐんを へんせいすることが せんけつだ!きさまの あいては このグリーンデビルに まかせておくぞ!


Rockman: Blues!!

Blues: That’s as far as you go! King! First Doctor Wily’s lab and now a museum?

King: I’ve taken the data of you combat robots! Using this data as a basis I will form the greatest robot army! Since you’re a robot yourself, I will let you into my King Army!

(King notices that Rockman is present)

King: Hm? It would appear your friend has come. This is as far as I associate with you!

Blues: Wait! King!

King: Eeii! Annoying pest!

(Blues gets done in by King)

Rockman: Blues!

Blues: This is nothin’.

Rockman: Leave the rest to me. Hurry and get fixed by Dr. Light!

King: Defeating you here would not be difficult, but right now organizing the King Army takes top priority! I’ll leave this Green Devil to be your opponent!


ENG 英語

King: Welcome. I never thought I would meet you here. I suppose that I have underestimated you… But your journey will come to an end here. You should feel honoured to be destroyed by the King!

(Mega Man and King fight, then Proto Man appears.)

Proto Man: I can handle this!

(Proto Man fires at King, but can’t break his shield.)

Proto Man: Hmm… It seems I have no other choice but to resort to extremes… Megaman, stay back! I’ll put my whole energy into the next shot!!

Mega Man: Wait! If you do that, you may overheat, or explode!!

Proto Man: I owe this guy, and now it’s time to pay him back!

King: Funny, but so very reckless…

Proto Man: Big Bang Strike!!!!

(Proto Man’s attack destroys the shield and injures King. Proto Man collapses)

King: This can’t be…

Mega Man: Proto Man, are you all right?

Proto Man: Uh…

Mega Man: Proto Man! Let’s evacuate now! Can you put your arm across my shoulders?

Proto Man: What are you doing?! Are you going to waste my sacrifice? You must finish him for me!

King: Enough!

JPN 日本語

King: フフフ よく ここまできた。わたしは きみを かしょうひょうか していたようだ。しかし きみの たたかいは ここで おわる。おう みずからてで たおされることを こうえいに おもうのだな!


Blues: オレがあいてだ!


Blues: くっ やはり あれを つかうしか ないのか・・・ ロックマン はなれろ すべての エネルギーを このいっぱつに かける!!

Rockman: やめろ ブルース!そんなことを したら オーバーヒートで ばくはつするぞ!

Blues: こ こいつは カリがある・・・ そ そいつを かえすまでは・・・

King: ほう おもしろい ムダな あがきだ。

Blues: ビッグバン ストライク!!!!!


King: バ バカな・・・?

Rockman: ブルース だいじょうぶ?

Blues: ・・・うぅ

Rockman: ブ ブルース!いますぐ だっしゅつしよう!さあ ぼくに つかまって!

Blues: ば ばかやろう!オレの こういを むだにするつもりか・・・?たたかえ・・・たたかうんだ・・・

King: ちゃばんげきは それくらいに していただこう!


King: Fufufu you’ve done well making it this far. It seems I had been underestimating you. However, your fight ends here. Feel honoured to be defeated personally by the King!

(Blues appears)

Blues: Your opponent is me!

(Blues fires his buster as King, but can’t break his shield)

Blues: Ergh. I guess all I can use is “that”, after all…? Rockman, stand back. I’m going to put all my energy into this one shot!!

Rockman: Stop, Blues! If you do that you’ll overheat and explode!

Blues: I- I owe this guy… until I p-pay him back, I…

King: Ooh? What an amusing flounder.

Blues: Big Bang Strike!!!!!

(Blues breaks King’s shield and injures him. Blues collapses)

King: I- impossible…?

Rockman: Blues, are you okay?

Blues: …oof

Rockman: B- Blues! Let’s retreat right now! Come, grab onto me!

Blues: Y- you fool!  Do you plan to waste my favour? Fight…fight him…

King: That’s as far as I’ll let this little farce go!


ENG 英語

King: You won… Why do you fight so hard for these pitiful humans? Robots are superior to humans…!

Mega Man: Superiority, is not the point.

King: Maybe, or maybe not… Just put me out of my misery! But before that, we’d better let him evacuate. That way he has a chance to be repaired…

(King teleports Proto Man out of the building.)

King: Don’t worry about him. I beamed him out of the castle. After all, I am the lord of robots. That means that I don’t want to see our species destroyed.

Mega Man: King… Let’s evacuate together… DR. Light can heal your wound…

King: That isn’t possible… I’ll explode if anyone but DR. Wily tries to operate on me.

Mega Man: DR. Wily created you!?

(Dr. Wily appears on a screen.)

Wily: King, what happened to you? Are your logic circuits damaged? Your enemy is right in front of you!

King: Uhhhh… I don’t understand… Why do robots have to fight each other for the sake of the humans…?

Wily: Piece of junk… I’ll boost your brainwashing level!

JPN 日本語

King: わたしの まけだ・・・ にんげんなどのために なぜ おまえたちは そこまで たたかえるのだ?ロボットのほうが にんげんよりも すぐれているというのに!

Rockman: キング それはちがうよ。どちらが すぐれているとかじゃないんだ!

King: ふ わからんな・・・。さあ ひとおもいに トドメをさせ!ん?そのまえに そいつを だっしゅつさせねば。まだ たすかるはずだ。


King: あんしんしろ しろのそとの あんぜんなところに てんそうした。 わたしとて ロボットのおう おなじ なかまが こわれるのは みたくない。

Rockman: キング・・・。いっしょに だっしゅつしよう!そのきず ライトはかせなら きっと なおせるよ。

King: ふ ダメだな。わたしのからだは ワイリーいぎいの ものが さわると ばくはつするように なっている。

Rockman: きみを つくったのは Dr.ワイリーだったのか!


Wily: キング どうした?はんだんかいろが こしょうしたのか?てきが めのまえに いるではないか!

King: う わからない なぜ にんげんのために ロボットどうしが たたかうのか・・・。

Wily: しかたがない。せんのうレベルを あげてやる!


King: I have lost… why do you fight so much for something like the humans? Robots are superior to humans!

Rockman: King, that’s where you’re wrong. It’s not about who’s better than who.

King: Hmph, I don’t get it… so, hurry up and deliver the final blow! Hm? Before that, we must get him out of here. He should still be able to be saved.

(King get Blues out)

King: Don’t worry. I transferred him to a safe place outside of the castle. I, the King of Robots, do not want to see my fellow robots broken.

Rockman: King… let’s get out of here together! Dr. Light will be able to heal those injuries for sure.

King: Hmph, it’s no use. My body is made to explode if anyone besides Dr. Wily touches it.

Rockman: The one who made you is Dr. Wily?!

(Wily appears on the computer screen in the back)

Wily: King, what’s the matter? Have your judgement circuits failed? The enemy is right in front of you!

King: Ugh, I don’t understand. Why do robots fight eachother for humans?

Wily: It can’t be helped. I’ll raise your brainwashing level!


ENG 英語

King: Uhh… You should leave this place now! This place could explode at any moment…

Mega Man: King, you must come with me!

King: Of course, I’ll leave this place too. But, only after you go first…

(MegaMan leaves.)

King: Humph… He’s gone… I wish I had a transportation system in me… Goodbye, Megaman! Don’t let other robots suffer my sad fate… I’m counting on you…

JPN 日本語

King: うう はやく ここから はなれろ!コイツは もうすぐ ばくはつする・・。

Rockman: キング きみも いっしょに だっしゅつしよう!

King: ああ だっしゅつする。ただし キミから さきにだ。


King: ふ・・いったか・・・だが あいにく わたしには ワープそうちは ついていない・・・さらばだ ロックマン!これいじょう わたしのような ロボットを ふやさないでくれ。たのんだぞ・・・。


King: Urgh. Hurry up and get away from here! This place is about to explode..

Rockman: King, escape together with me!

King: Yeah, I’ll get out. But, you go first.

(Rockman bails)

King: Hmph…so you’ve gone…but, unfortunately I’m not attached with a warp system. Farewell, Rockman! Don’t allow robots like me to multiply any longer. I’m counting on you…


ENG 英語

Wily: Darn that King! How dare he disobey his maker! It is a good thing that Megaman took care of him for me! And now I have regained control of my laboratory castle. Time to get back to my plan of world domination again! But first, I will personally eliminate Megaman! Are you ready to be eliminated, Megaman!?

JPN 日本語

Wily: キングのやつめ!せっかく つくってやった おんを わすれおって!しかし ロックマンの おかげで じゃまものは しまつできた!けんきゅうじょも とりもどせた!これで ふたたび せかい せいふくを はじめられるぞ!だが そのまえに もうひとりの じゃまものである ロックマンは わしの てで たおしてやろう!かくごは よいか?!ロックマン!


Wily: That damned King! In the end he forgot the debt he owed me for creating him! But thanks to Rockman, those in my way have been cleaned up. I was also able to take back my lab! With this I can once again begin my conquest of the world! But before that, I’ll take down the nuisance, Rockman, with my own hands! Are you ready? Rockman!


ENG 英語

Roll: Megaman, welcome home!

Beat: Chirp! Chirp!

Rush: Wuff! Wuff!

Auto: You are so amazing, Megaman!

Light: Good work, Megaman. Huh? What’s troubling you? You don’t look happy.

Mega Man: I wish I was a little more efficient… Then I could have saved King…

Light: Don’t let it get you down. Why don’t you show him that, Roll?

Roll: Here. It’s a letter for you.

Mega Man: A letter? From who?

Roll: Isn’t this seal familiar to you…?

(Mega Man and Roll read the letter.)

Letter: Dear Megaman,
It took our battle for me to realize that I was wrong. From now on, I’d like to atone for my crimes against the people whom I caused such pain and suffering. I pledge my loyalty to world peace until the day the faith of the robots is restored. If we were to meet again, I hope it will be as friends and not of enemies.
You friend,

Mega Man: King is alive!?

Roll: I wish him the best of luck.

JPN 日本語

Roll: ロック おかえりなさい!

Beat: ピピー

Rush: ワン!

Auto: サスガ ロック ダス!

Light: よくやったぞ ロック。ん?どうしたんじゃ くらいかおをして。

Rockman: ボクが もっと うまく たたかえば・・・キングを たすけることが できたかもしれません。

Light: なんじゃ そんなことか。ロール あれをみせて あげなさい。

Roll: はい。ロックあての てがみよ。

Rockman: だれからだろう?

Roll: このマーク みおぼえあるでしょ。

てがみは つぎのように かかれていた。

Tegami (King): ロックマンへ
きみとのたたかいで わたしの かんがえは まちがっていた ことが わかった。これからは わたしが くるしめた せかいじゅうの ひとに つみの つぐないを していくつもりだ。ロボットぜんたいの しんようを とりもどすまで ひとびとのために はたらきつづけることを ちかう。ふたたび あうことがあれば てき としてではなく とも としてあってくれたら うれしい。

Rockman: キングはいきていたんだ!

Roll: これからのキングの かつやくが たのしみね。


Roll: Rock, welcome home!

Beat: Pii pii! (Chirp Chirp)

Rush: Wan! (Woof)

Auto: That’s Rock for ya, dasu!

Light: You did well, Rock. Hm? What’s the matter? With that gloomy face.

Rockman: If I had only been able to fight better… I may have been able to save King.

Light: What, just that? Roll, show him “that”.

Roll: Here. It’s a letter addressed to you.

Rockman: Who could it be from?

Roll: You remember this mark, don’t you?

The letter was written like this:

Tegami (King): To Rockman:
In my fight with you, I understood that my way of thinking was wrong. From here onwards, I intend to atone for my sins against all the people I’ve caused pain to in the world. Until the trust of robots is regained I swear to continue working for the people. If there is a time where we meet again it would make me happy to meet not as enemies, but as friends.
From King

Rockman: King is alive!

Roll: I’m looking forward to what King will do from here.


OPENING STAGE オープニングステージ

ENG 英語

Bass: Proto Man!!

Proto Man: You have gone too far, King! I won’t allow you to violate this robot museum!

King: I’ve downloaded all the data of the battle robots! Now I can create an invincible robot army!! Since you are a robot, you are qualified to join us if you want to!

(King sees Bass.)

King: Huh? Another bug to squash? I’m sure my robots will entertain you…

Proto Man: Wait! King!

King: Silence!

(Proto Man getsrekt.)

Bass: Is that the robot who calls himself King? What a joke. Everyone knows that I am the mightiest robot in the world. I will show him who deserves to be called king!

King: I appreciate your arrogance, but I have no time for you! I’ll allow the Green Devil to handle you!

JPN 日本語

Forte: ブルース!!

Blues: そこまでだ!キング!ドクターワイリーの けんきゅうじょのつぎは はくぶつかんか?

King: おまえたち せんとうようロボットの データはいただいたぞ!このデータを もとにさいきょうの ロボットぐんだんを へんせいしてやる!!きさまも ロボットならば われわれ キングぐんに いれてやるぞ!


King: ん??また じゃまものが きたようだな。きみらの あいては わたしの ぶかたちが してくれるはずだよ。

Blues: まて!キング!

King: ええい!!うるさいやつめ!


Forte: あいつが キングか?せかい さいきょうは オレひとりで じゅうぶんだ!オレさまの せかい さいきょう でんせつの じゃまは させない!

King: ここで きさまを たおすのは たやすいが いまは キングぐんを へんせいすることが せんけつだ!きさまの あいては このグリーンデビルに まかせておくぞ!


Forte: Blues!!

Blues: That’s as far as you go! King! First Doctor Wily’s lab and now a museum?

King: I’ve taken the data of you combat robots! Using this data as a basis I will form the greatest robot army! Since you’re a robot yourself, I will let you into my King Army!

(King notices that Forte is present)

King: Hm?? Looks like another pest has come. My subordinates should be able to take you all on.

Blues: Wait! King!

King: Eeii! Annoying pest!

(Blues gets done in by King)

Forte: So that’s King? I’m all that’s needed for the “best in the world”! I won’t let you interfere with my legend as the world’s greatest!

King: Defeating you here would not be difficult, but right now organizing the King Army takes top priority! I’ll leave this Green Devil to be your opponent!


ENG 英語

King: Welcome. I never thought I would meet you here. I suppose that I have underestimated you… But your journey will come to an end here. You should feel honored to be destroyed by the king!

(Bass and King fight then Proto Man appears.)

Proto Man: I can handle this!

(Proto Man fires at King, but can’t break his shield.)

Proto Man: Hmm… It seems I have no other choice but to resort to extremes… Bass, stay back! I’ll put my whole energy into the next shot!!

Bass: Proto Man, you don’t need to do that! I’ll destroy King by myself!

Proto Man: I owe this guy, and now it’s time to pay him back!

King: Funny, but so very reckless…

Proto Man: Big Bang Strike!!!!

(Proto Man’s attack destroys the shield and injures King. Proto Man collapses)

King: This can’t be…

Bass: What? What power…!

Proto Man: Uh…

Bass: Hmm… Proto Man stole the spotlight…

Proto Man: Bass, the show is not over yet! He is still alive…

(Proto Man passes out.)

King: That’s one down, and now you are next!

JPN 日本語

King: フフフ よく ここまできた。わたしは きみを かしょうひょうか していたようだ。しかし きみの たたかいは ここで おわる。おう みずからのてで たおされることを こうえいに おもうのだな!


Blues: オレがあいてだ!


Blues: くっ やはり あれを つかうしかないのか・・・フォルテ はなれろ すべての エネルギーを このいっぱつに かける!!

Forte: ブルース よけいなことは するな!キングは オレがたおす!

Blues: こ こいつには カリがある・・・そ そいつを かえすまでは・・・

King: ほう おもしろい ムダな あがきだ。

Blues: ビッグバン ストライク!!!!!


King: バ バカな・・・?

Forte: い いまのは・・・?なんてパワーだ・・・

Blues: ・・・うぅ

Forte: ちっ オレの でばんは なくなったてわけか・・・。

Blues: フォルテ あまいぜ。ヤツは まだ いきている・・・。

King: のこるは フォルテ きみだけだ。ゆくぞ!


King: Fufufu you’ve done well making it this far. It seems I had been underestimating you. However, your fight ends here. Feel honoured to be defeated personally by the King!

(Blues appears)

Blues: Your opponent is me!

(Blues fires his buster as King, but can’t break his shield)

Blues: Ergh. I guess all I can use is “that”, after all…? Forte, stand back. I’m going to put all my energy into this one shot!!

Forte: Blues, don’t do anything unnecessary! I’ll be the one to defeat King!

Blues: I- I owe this guy… until I p-pay him back, I…

King: Ooh? What an amusing flounder.

Blues: Big Bang Strike!!!!!

(Blues breaks King’s shield and injures him. Blues collapses)

King: I- impossible…?

Forte: What was that just now…? What amazing power…

Blues: …ooo

Forte: Tch. So I’ve lost my turn, huh…

Blues: Forte, you’re naive. He’s still alive…

King: All that remains is you, Forte. Here I come!


ENG 英語

King: You won… Why do you fight so hard for these pitiful humans? Robots are superior to humans…!

Bass: ………………. But it is humans who created us.

King: Maybe, or maybe not… Just put me out of my misery! But before that, we’d better let him evacuate. That way he has a chance to be repaired…

(King teleports Proto Man out of the building.)

King: Don’t worry about him. I beamed him out of the castle. After all, I am the lord of robots. That means that I don’t want to see our species destroyed.

Bass: Before I go, you must tell me something… Who is your father? Who created you?

King: What if I say it’s DR. Wily?

Bass: What!?

(Dr. Wily appears on a screen.)

Wily: King, what happened to you? Are your logic circuits damaged? Your enemy is right in front of you!

King: Uhhhh… I don’t understand… Why do robots have to fight each other for the sake of the humans…?

Wily: Piece of junk… I’ll boost your brainwashing level!

JPN 日本語

King: わたしの まけだ・・・ にんげんなどのために なぜ おまえたちは そこまで たたかえるのだ?ロボットのほうが にんげんよりも すぐれているというのに!

Forte: ・・・・・・・・・・・・。でも オレたちを つくったのは にんげんだぜ。

King: ふ わからんな・・・。さあ ひとおもいに トドメをさせ!ん?そのまえに そいつを だっしゅつさせねば。まだ たすかるはずだ。


King: あんしんしろ しろのそとの あんぜんなところに てんそうした。 わたしとて ロボットのおう おなじ なかまが こわれるのは みたくない。

Forte: キング・・・。おれは だっしゅつする。さいごに おしえてくれ。おまえを つくったのは だれなんだ?

King: ・・・。Dr.ワイリーといったら どうする?

Forte: な、なに!?


Wily: キング どうした?はんだんかいろが こしょうしたのか?てきが めのまえに いるではないか!

King: う わからない なぜ にんげんのために ロボットどうしが たたかうのか・・・。

Wily: しかたがない。せんのうレベルを あげてやる!


King: I have lost… why do you fight so much for something like the humans? Robots are superior to humans!

Forte: …………but it is humans who made us.

King: Hmph, I don’t get it… so, hurry up and deliver the final blow! Hm? Before that, we must get him out of here. He should still be able to be saved.

(King get Blues out)

King: Don’t worry. I transferred him to a safe place outside of the castle. I, the King of Robots, do not want to see my fellow robots broken.

Forte: King…I’m going to pull out. Tell me one last thing. Who was it that made you?

King: …if I were to say Dr. Wily, what would you do?

Forte: W-what?!

(Wily appears on the computer screen in the back)

Wily: King, what’s the matter? Have your judgement circuits failed? The enemy is right in front of you!

King: Ugh, I don’t understand. Why do robots fight eachother for humans?

Wily: It can’t be helped. I’ll raise your brainwashing level!

KING FIGHT 2 キング戦2

ENG 英語

King: Uhh… You should leave this place now! This place could explode at any moment…

Bass: Uhhh… King, what are you going do?

King: Of course, I’ll leave this place too. But, only after you go first…

(Bass leaves.)

King: Humph… He’s gone… I wish I had a transportation system in me… Goodbye, Bass! I think we could have been good friends…

JPN 日本語

King: うう はやく ここから はなれろ!コイツは もうすぐ ばくはつする・・。

Forte: く・・・ キング おまえはどうする?

King: ああ だっしゅつする。ただし キミから さきにだ。


King: ふ・・いったか・・・だが あいにく わたしには ワープそうちは ついていない・・・。さらばだ フォルテ!ふたたび うまれかわる ことが あったなら キミとは よいともに なれる きがする・・・。


King: Urgh. Hurry up and get away from here! This place is about to explode!

Forte: Erk…King, what will you do?

King: Yeah, I’ll get out. But, you go first.

(Forte bails)

King: Hmph…so you’ve gone…but, unfortunately I’m not attached with a warp system. Farewell, Forte! If I were to be reborn again, I feel like I could become good friends with you…


ENG 英語

Wily: Darn that King! How dare he disobey his maker! That junk has been dealt with thanks to you! Now I’ll put a restraining bolt on you before you go out of control! Once this is installed, everything will be under control!

Bass: You pretended to be assaulted by King in order to have me take care of him? I will destroy you for using me!!

Wily: What impudence!? Are you trying to disobey your maker? I’ll show you who is boss!!

JPN 日本語

Wily: キングのやつめ!せっかく つくってやった おんを わすれおって!しかし おまえの おかげで じゃまものは しまつできた!おまえが キングのうように ぼうそうしてしまう まえに せいぎょチップを とりつけてやる!これさえ とりつけてしまえば ばんじ オッケー!しんぱいの たねは すべて かいけつだ!

Forte: ぼうそうした キングを オレに かたづけさせるため しばいを うつとは ワイリー つくづく きたないヤツだな!にどと オレを だますような ことが ないよう すこし いたいめに あってもらう!

Wily: なに?!なまいきな やつめ!おまえも わしに たてつくつもりか?!それならば みのほどを しるがよい!


Wily: That damned King! In the end he forgot the debt he owed me for creating him! However, thanks to you, those in my way have been cleaned up! Before you go out of control like King, I’m going to install a control chip in you! Once that is installed, everything will be OK! All my worries will be resolved!

Forte: Putting on a big show to get me to take out the rampant King, you really are a scumbag, Wily! I’m going to put you through the pain so that you’ll never deceive me again!

Wily: What?! You impertinent punk! Do you intend to disobey me as well?! In that case, you need to learn your place!


ENG 英語

Bass: Why did you deceive me!?

Wily: Eeek! Forgive me! I just wanted to test your ability.

Bass: What!? What do you mean?

Wily: I’ve always believed that you are the strongest robot in the world. But you have not been able to defeat Megaman… So I began to lose my faith in you. Then I had the idea that I could create a mightier robot. So, I created King… But since you defeated King, I now know the truth… You are the mightiest robot in the world!

Bass: What a lame excuse…

Wily: Bass, let me show you something… This is the plan for King the second. Join with King the second and together, you two will be invincible!

Bass: …………

(The screen goes black.)

Proto Man: You never learn, Wily!

Wily: This voice… Proto Man!

(Proto Man destroys the plans for King II.)

Proto Man: I won’t let this happen!

Wily: Oh no… My beautiful plan…! Bass, destroy Proto Man!

Bass: …………

Wily: What are you waiting for Bass! I said. DESTROY PROTO MAN!

Proto Man: Bass, you don’t need to hesitate, do you? You are not a slave to Wily, are you? You are acting on your own, aren’t you? Not with a partner, nor under someone’s order…

Bass: I…

Proto Man: You are strong. That is true. But you can’t defeat Megaman. Do you know why? It is because you have nothing to fight for… What have you been fighting for, Bass? You don’t have anything or anybody to fight for, do you? You have fought only for yourself, right?

Bass: Silence! Just get lost!

Proto Man: Farewell.

Bass: What I’ve fought for? That is ridiculous. I don’t need a reason to fight. I have and am going to fight only to destroy Megaman!!

JPN 日本語

Forte: ワイリー!なぜ オレをだました!

Wily: ひいぃ ゆるしてくれ おまえの ちからを ためしたかったんじゃ。

Forte: なに!?どういうことだ!

Wily: わしは おまえこそが さいきょうのロボットと ずっと しんじてきた。しかし いつまでたっても おまえは ロックマンを たおせなかったじゃろ・・そして あるひ ぎもんに おもったんじゃ。もしかしたら おまえより つよいロボットを つくれるかもしれないと!そうして つくったのが キングじゃった。しかし おまえがキングを たおしたことで よくわかった。やはり おまえが さいきょうじゃ!

Forte: ちょうしの いいことを いいやがって・・・

Wily: ところで フォルテ これをみろ キング2せいのせっけいずじゃ。おまえとキング2せいが くめば それこそ せかい さいきょうコンビじゃぞ!

Forte: ・・・・・・・・・・


Blues: まだこりてないようだな!Dr.ワイリー!

Wily: こ このこえは ブルース!!


Blues: ブルースストライク!!

Wily: く わしのせっけいずが!フォルテ ブルースを たおすのじゃ!

Forte: ・・・・・・・・・・

Wily: なにをしているフォルテ!きこえないのか!?

Blues: フォルテ おまえは じぶんのちからだけで ロックマンを たおしたくなうのか?

Forte: く・・・・

Blues: たしかに おまえは つよい。だが ロックマンにはかてない。なぜだかわかるか?それは おまえには まもるものがないからだ。おまえは なんのために たたかっている?じぶんの ためだけじゃないのか?

Forte: く、う、うるさい。とっとときえろ!

Blues: じゃ あばよ。

Forte: まもるもの?わらわせるな。おれに そんなものは いらない。おれが ほしいのは ロックマンの いのち それだけなんだ!!


Forte: Wily! Why did you deceive me!

Wily: Eee, forgive me. I wanted to test your power.

Forte: What!? What do you mean?

Wily: I’ve always believed that it is you who is the greatest robot. However, no matter how much time passed you were never able to beat Rockman, right…? Then one day I wondered: if I could maybe create a robot stronger than you! From there, the one I created was King. However, with you besting King, I understand well. Just as I thought, you are the best!

Forte: There you go with the flattery…

Wily: By the way, Forte, take a look at this. It’s the designs for King Version 2. If you and King 2 joined together, with that you’ll be the greatest combo in the world!

Forte: ……….

(The screen becomes black)

Blues: Looks like you never learn!  Dr. Wily!

Wily: Th- that voice is Blues!!

(Blues destroys the designs for King 2)

Blues: Blues Strike!!

Wily: Agh, my designs! Forte, take out Blues!

Forte: ……….

Wily: What are you doing Forte!? Can’t you hear me?!

Blues: Forte, don’t you want to defeat Rockman with just your own power?

Forte: Ergh…

Blues: It’s true that you are strong. But you can’t win against Rockman. Do you know why? That’s because you don’t have something to protect. What are you fighting for? Isn’t it just for yourself?

Forte: Ergh, sh- shut up! Get outta here already!

Blues: Later then.

Forte: Something to protect? Don’t make me laugh. I don’t need anything like that. What I want is Rockman’s life, that’s it!!




  • Auto (or Righttot) has a habit of saying “dasu” at the end of sentences in the Japanese versions. It doesn’t mean anything. I left it in cuz’ why not.
  • The line I made King say after being defeated by Rock, “Don’t allow robots like me to multiply any longer.” Is obvs pretty awkward. Literal translation at its finest. The localization version of “don’t let other robots suffer my fate” is actually a pretty good, more natural translation of that line.
  • Lots of the script is essentially the same in either version, but one kinda funky thing is that in the Japanese version, the fact that King attacked Wily’s lab is mentioned in the first level. It is not mentioned in the English version, yet Wily still makes a reference to getting his lab back in his pre-fight dialogue.

13 comments on “Rockman & Forte Dialogue

  1. Pingback: Rockman and Forte/Mega Man and Bass Script Differences! | Hondoori Game Center

  2. Very nice story. I really like it. Some of them seems to be literally English. Anyway, what about Rightot’s shop and Roll’s ? I am curious. 🙂

  3. Oh yes, what about Dr. Right’s dialogue ? His 100 cds havent been found and he worried about it.

  4. There is typo in Forte’s script:

    Your quote:

    Blues: Ergh. I guess all I can use is “that”, after all…? Rockman, stand back. I’m going to put all my energy into this one shot!!

    Forte: Blues, don’t do anything unnecessary! I’ll be the one to defeat King!

    You supposed to type Forte instead of Rockman because look! Here it is:

    Rockman, stand back ??? Don’t you mean Forte, stand back. Right ? 🙂

    • You’re on the ball with these little typos, thanks! Obvs I need to edit better.

      I’m going to go through the CD Database, but the Roll calls and most of the Auto dialogue isn’t anything too special. Maybe after I finish some of the other stuff I want to do, like previously mentioned CD Database, Rockman Gameboy 2 and X3

  5. You are very welcome.

    You are absolutely right. The CD Database is very important, of course but I think you should do the Roll calls and Auto dialogue too just for fun and it will be very helpful too. They are funny to be honest. For Roll calls and Auto disalogue in GBA English version can be found here to be comparison:

  6. Another typo:

    Forte: Something to protect? Don’t make my laugh. I don’t need anything like that. What I want is Rockman’s life, that’s it!!

    “Don’t make my laugh.” .. Don’t make me laugh. 🙂

    I hope that you can translate them into more natural English language.

  7. Hi. How is CD Database going for the translation ? I hope that you will work on Roll calls and Auto dialogue after CD Database. 🙂

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